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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AlignTargetCommand AnchorModule A drivetrain module which will lock the drivetrain in place while a trigger condition is metArm Represents a mechanism which consists of some type of bar which pivots on a motor.Battery The robot's batteryBatteryVoltageSensor A voltage sensor which monitors the voltage of the battery.Climber Represents a mechanism which can climb up or down.Clock CollisionSensor CoulombCounter A software sensor for measuring electric dischargeCurrentSensor This interface provides a layer of abstraction over current sensors, allowing easy access to the current.CurrentSpikeSensor CurrentTripSensor Disableable A system which can be disabledDisableCommand A command which disables a subsystemDisplayable DistanceSensor A sensor which detects the distance travelledDriveModule A drive module which can be added to a ModularDrivetrain to enhance its functionalityDriveSpeed A class representing the speed of a differential drivetrainDrivetrain Elevator Represents an elevator mechanism which moves up and down.EncoderUtils FollowPathCommand GameSpecificMessage2018 GameSpecificMessage2018.Location The location/side of the field based on the alliance's point of view.GameSpecificMessage2020 GameSpecificMessage2020.ColorAssignment GameSpecificMessageCommand GameSpecificMessageCommand.GameSpecificMessageHandler GearShifter A gear shifterGMath GMath.UnequalLengthException GongolieriumException GPiston GravitySensor Gripper Represents a gripper mechanism.GSpeedController Hardware Miscellaneous hardware functions.HighCurrentSensor HighVoltageSensor LimelightCamera LimelightCamera.LEDMode LimitedElevator An elevator with upper and/or lower limits.LimitSwitch LinearAccelerationSensor LookupTable A look up tableLowCurrentSensor LowVoltageSensor ModularDrivetrain A wrapper class for a drivetrain which adds support for drive modules.MotorVoltageSensor MultipleCameraServer A camera server which allows for swapping between multiple cameras (only one streams at a time)OrientationSensor OutOfBoundsException PathFollowerModule A drivetrain module which will follow a path when activatedPathStep PathStepType PDP PDPCurrentSensor Piston PneumaticShifter A pneumatic shifter which has a single low and high gearPowerEfficiencyModule A drivetrain module which will force the drivetrain to accelerate slower.PrecisionModule A drivetrain module which will allow higher precision driving at lower speeds.Regression Relay ResettableSwitch RobotClock SafetyCommands This class contains several helper methods to ensure safe operation of the robot (aka.ShifterModule A drivetrain module which allows switching between gears.Shooter Represents a shooter mechanism.SimpleLinearRegression SimpleLookupTable A simple lookup table which assumes the keys scale linearly with an offsetSimplePath SpeedConstraintModule A drivetrain module which will constrain the maximum speed of the robot.StabilityModule A drivetrain module which will stabilize the drivetrain (rotation-wise) while attempting to drive straightStopCommand Stoppable Switch SystemClock TargetAlignmentModule A drivetrain module which align to vision targetsTargetingCamera TiltSensor TractionControlModule A drivetrain module which work to prevent wheel slip while driving straightUntested UsedInCompetition Indicates if a class or method was used by a team in competition codeVelocityControlModule A drivetrain module which will set the wheel velocity rather than percent powerVelocitySensor A sensor which detects velocityVibrateXboxController A command to vibrate an Xbox controller.VoltageControlModule Ensures that the drivetrain runs at a consistent voltage, compensating for battery voltage fluctuationsVoltageSensor VoltageSpikeSensor VoltageTripSensor