Class GMath

  • public class GMath
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean approximately​(double a, double b)
      Determines if a value is approximately equal to another value.
      static boolean approximately​(double value, double compare, double precision)
      Determines if a value is approximately equal to another value.
      static double clamp​(double value, double min, double max)
      Constrain a value to the range, where if the value is out of the range it is converted to the nearest range bound.
      static int clamp​(int value, int min, int max)  
      static double clamp01​(double value)
      Constrain a value to be within 0 and 1
      static double correlation​(double[] x, double[] y)
      Computes the correlation between two variables.
      static double deadband​(double value, double threshold)
      Deadbands an input (makes 0 if below threshold)
      static double deltaAngle​(double current, double target)
      Calculates the shortest difference between two angles in degrees.
      static boolean divisibleBy​(int value, int divisor)
      Determines if a number is divisible by another number.
      static double inverseLerp​(double a, double b, double value)
      Calculates the inverse linear interpolation of a value within the range [a, b]
      static double lerp​(double a, double b, double t)
      Calculates the linear interpolation of t into the range [a, b]
      static double lerpAngle​(double a, double b, double t)
      Calculates the linear interpolation of t into the range [a, b], wraps correctly around 360 degrees
      static double lerpUnclamped​(double a, double b, double t)
      Calculates the linear interpolation of t into the range [a, b]
      static double magnitude​(double... values)
      Calculate the magnitude of the given values.
      static double max​(double... values)
      Find the maximum value
      static int max​(int... values)
      Find the maximum value
      static double mean​(double[] x)
      Computes the mean of a variable.
      static double min​(double... values)
      Find the minimum value
      static int min​(int... values)
      Find the minimum value
      static double moveTowards​(double current, double target, double maxDelta)
      Moves a value toward a target without exceeding maxDelta
      static double pingPong​(double t, double length)
      PingPongs the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0.
      static double rateLimit​(double max, double value, double lastValue)
      Limit the max rate of increase.
      static double repeat​(double t, double length)
      Loops the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0.
      static double roundPlaces​(double value, int numPlaces)
      Round a value to the given number of decimal places.
      static int roundToInt​(double value)
      Round a value to the nearest int.
      static int sign​(double value)
      Determines the sign of a value
      static double signPreservingPower​(double value, double power)
      Calculates a value to some power, but preserves the sign if it is negative.
      static double slopeFromAngleDegrees​(double angle)
      Get the slope from the angle in degrees.
      static double slopeFromAngleRadians​(double angle)
      Get the slope from the angle in radians.
      static double smoothStep​(double from, double to, double t)
      Interpolates between from and to with smoothing at the limits.
      static double snap​(double value, double nearest)
      Snap a value to the nearest multiple of the nearest parameter.
      static double standardDeviation​(double[] x)
      Computes the standard deviation of a variable.
      static double sum​(double... values)
      Calculate the sum of an array.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • magnitude

        public static double magnitude​(double... values)
        Calculate the magnitude of the given values.
        values - The value to calculate the magnitude of.
        The magnitude of the values.
      • sign

        public static int sign​(double value)
        Determines the sign of a value
        value - The value which to get the sign from
        1 if the value is positive or 0, -1 if it is negative 0
      • signPreservingPower

        public static double signPreservingPower​(double value,
                                                 double power)
        Calculates a value to some power, but preserves the sign if it is negative.
        value - the value to raise to a power
        power - the power to raise the value by
        the value to the power, with its sign preserved
      • inverseLerp

        public static double inverseLerp​(double a,
                                         double b,
                                         double value)
        Calculates the inverse linear interpolation of a value within the range [a, b]
        a - The minimum of the range
        b - The maximum of the range
        value - The value between a and b
        the percentage of value between a and b
      • lerp

        public static double lerp​(double a,
                                  double b,
                                  double t)
        Calculates the linear interpolation of t into the range [a, b]
        a - The minimum of the range
        b - The maximum of the range
        t - the percentage of value between a and b (between 0 and 1)
        the interpolated value between a and b
      • lerpUnclamped

        public static double lerpUnclamped​(double a,
                                           double b,
                                           double t)
        Calculates the linear interpolation of t into the range [a, b]
        a - The minimum of the range
        b - The maximum of the range
        t - the percentage of value between a and b
        the interpolated value between a and b
      • lerpAngle

        public static double lerpAngle​(double a,
                                       double b,
                                       double t)
        Calculates the linear interpolation of t into the range [a, b], wraps correctly around 360 degrees
        a - The minimum of the range (degrees)
        b - The maximum of the range (degrees)
        t - the percentage of value between a and b (between 0 and 1)
        the interpolated value between a and b
      • smoothStep

        public static double smoothStep​(double from,
                                        double to,
                                        double t)
        Interpolates between from and to with smoothing at the limits.
        from - the starting value
        to - the ending value
        t - the percentage of value between from and to (between 0 and 1)
        the interpolated value between from and to
      • moveTowards

        public static double moveTowards​(double current,
                                         double target,
                                         double maxDelta)
        Moves a value toward a target without exceeding maxDelta
        current - the current value
        target - the target value
        maxDelta - the maximum delta
        the updated value
      • pingPong

        public static double pingPong​(double t,
                                      double length)
        PingPongs the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0.
        t - the value to ping pong
        length - the length of the ping pong
        the value which will move back and forth between 0 and length
      • repeat

        public static double repeat​(double t,
                                    double length)
        Loops the value t, so that it is never larger than length and never smaller than 0. Does not work on negative numbers.
        t - the value to loop
        length - the length of the loop
        the 'modulus' of t and length
      • deadband

        public static double deadband​(double value,
                                      double threshold)
        Deadbands an input (makes 0 if below threshold)
        value - the input value
        threshold - the deadband threshold
        the thresholded input
      • sum

        public static double sum​(double... values)
        Calculate the sum of an array.
        values - The array to sum.
        The sum of the array.
      • min

        public static double min​(double... values)
        Find the minimum value
        values - The value
        The min value
      • max

        public static double max​(double... values)
        Find the maximum value
        values - The values
        The max value
      • min

        public static int min​(int... values)
        Find the minimum value
        values - The value
        The min value
      • max

        public static int max​(int... values)
        Find the maximum value
        values - The values
        The max value
      • clamp

        public static double clamp​(double value,
                                   double min,
                                   double max)
        Constrain a value to the range, where if the value is out of the range it is converted to the nearest range bound.
        value - The value to constrain.
        min - The min of the range.
        max - The max of the range.
        The value which is constrained to the range.
      • clamp

        public static int clamp​(int value,
                                int min,
                                int max)
      • clamp01

        public static double clamp01​(double value)
        Constrain a value to be within 0 and 1
        value - The value to constrain.
        The value which is between 0 and 1
      • roundToInt

        public static int roundToInt​(double value)
        Round a value to the nearest int.
        value - The value to round.
        The rounded value as an int.
      • roundPlaces

        public static double roundPlaces​(double value,
                                         int numPlaces)
        Round a value to the given number of decimal places.
        value - The value to round.
        numPlaces - The number of decimal places to round to.
        The rounded value.
      • snap

        public static double snap​(double value,
                                  double nearest)
        Snap a value to the nearest multiple of the nearest parameter.
        value - The value to snap.
        nearest - The value to snap to.
        The value snapped to the nearest multiple of nearest.
      • divisibleBy

        public static boolean divisibleBy​(int value,
                                          int divisor)
        Determines if a number is divisible by another number.
        value - The numerator.
        divisor - The denominator.
        True if the value is divisible by the divider.
      • approximately

        public static boolean approximately​(double value,
                                            double compare,
                                            double precision)
        Determines if a value is approximately equal to another value.
        value - The value to compare.
        compare - The value to compare.
        precision - The precision of the equality.
        True if the value is equal to the compare value with the given precision.
      • approximately

        public static boolean approximately​(double a,
                                            double b)
        Determines if a value is approximately equal to another value.
        a - The value to compare.
        b - The value to compare.
        True if a and b are equal to within epsilon.
      • deltaAngle

        public static double deltaAngle​(double current,
                                        double target)
        Calculates the shortest difference between two angles in degrees.
        current - The current angle in degrees
        target - The target angle in degrees
        the shortest difference between the angles in degrees
      • slopeFromAngleDegrees

        public static double slopeFromAngleDegrees​(double angle)
        Get the slope from the angle in degrees.
        angle - The angle in degrees.
        The slope of the line which the angle creates.
      • slopeFromAngleRadians

        public static double slopeFromAngleRadians​(double angle)
        Get the slope from the angle in radians.
        angle - The angle in radians.
        The slope of the line which the angle creates.
      • rateLimit

        public static double rateLimit​(double max,
                                       double value,
                                       double lastValue)
        Limit the max rate of increase.
        max - The maximum rate allowed.
        value - The current input value.
        lastValue - The last value returned by this function.
        The updated input value.
      • standardDeviation

        public static double standardDeviation​(double[] x)
        Computes the standard deviation of a variable.
        x - The set of data.
        The standard deviation of x.
      • correlation

        public static double correlation​(double[] x,
                                         double[] y)
        Computes the correlation between two variables.
        x - The first set of data.
        y - The second set of data.
        The Pearson correlation from -1 to 1
      • mean

        public static double mean​(double[] x)
        Computes the mean of a variable.
        x - The set of data
        The mean of x.