AnchorModule |
A drivetrain module which will lock the drivetrain in place while a trigger condition is met
DriveSpeed |
A class representing the speed of a differential drivetrain
ModularDrivetrain |
A wrapper class for a drivetrain which adds support for drive modules.
PathFollowerModule |
A drivetrain module which will follow a path when activated
PowerEfficiencyModule |
A drivetrain module which will force the drivetrain to accelerate slower.
PrecisionModule |
A drivetrain module which will allow higher precision driving at lower speeds.
ShifterModule |
A drivetrain module which allows switching between gears.
SpeedConstraintModule |
A drivetrain module which will constrain the maximum speed of the robot.
StabilityModule |
A drivetrain module which will stabilize the drivetrain (rotation-wise) while attempting to drive straight
TargetAlignmentModule |
A drivetrain module which align to vision targets
TractionControlModule |
A drivetrain module which work to prevent wheel slip while driving straight
VelocityControlModule |
A drivetrain module which will set the wheel velocity rather than percent power
VoltageControlModule |
Ensures that the drivetrain runs at a consistent voltage, compensating for battery voltage fluctuations